Celebrating Autism Acceptance Month & 20 Years of Behavior Frontiers

April is a significant month for both Behavior Frontiers and the autism community, marking two important milestones worth celebrating together! We extend a warm invitation to you, your loved ones, and friends to join us in commemorating these occasions.

What is Autism Acceptance Month?

April is recognized by the Autism Society of America as Autism Acceptance Month. As part of the #CelebrateDifferences campaign, we are dedicated to raising awareness and fostering open dialogue surrounding autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Our commitment to creating "a world without limits" extends far beyond our day-to-day curriculum and professional endeavors. It encompasses a broader mission of promoting inclusivity and understanding for individuals with ASD, as well as their families and allies. Whether you're deeply entrenched in the autism community, a passionate mental health advocate, or just beginning to explore the intricacies of ASD, your involvement matters.

One crucial aspect of advocacy during Autism Acceptance Month is dispelling common misconceptions about ASD. Often, misunderstandings stem from a lack of knowledge, leading to the belief that ASD is an ailment in need of a cure. Instead, we urge everyone to embrace a more inclusive approach, enabling individuals with autism to lead fulfilling lives within their communities.

It's important to recognize that ASD manifests across a spectrum of symptoms, and many adults may find themselves living with the condition without prior diagnosis. By educating ourselves and our communities, sharing resources, and staying informed about the latest research, we can collectively contribute to a more supportive and understanding environment for individuals with ASD.

Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month and Behavior Frontiers’ 20th Anniversary!

We have a variety of autism community events taking place at our centers this month and we invite you to join us! Kiddos will get to play games, interact with peers, win prizes, nosh on sweet treats, and receive a special 20th anniversary goody bag to take home! Parents also get to take part in the fun and get a chance to socialize with other parents in the autism community.

We are proud to be celebrating our 20th anniversary in conjunction with the autism community’s Autism Awareness Month celebrations! You can catch us at these two community races where we will be participating as vendors:

We are thrilled to be celebrating 20 years of helping individuals with autism live their very best lives. It is a milestone celebration for our clients, families, and the autism community. Together, we are creating a world without limits and an inclusive environment for all.