2018 DFW Autism Conference


Behavior Frontiers will be attending and sponsoring the 2018 DFW Autism Conference. The Conference brings together experts for two days of training that focus on ways to improve the quality of life for those with autism and special needs, their families, caregivers and professionals working with them. The presentations will cover areas of behavioral and developmental therapies/strategies and family issues. It is presented for Educators, Therapists, Health Care Professionals, Caretakers, Parents and anyone who wants to learn more about services and treatment for individuals living with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADD, ADHD and other learning disabilities. 

When: February 1st & 2nd, 2018
Where: Hurst Conference Center, 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst, TX 76054

To register or for more information, please visit the official conference site.




Nick Anderson