Helpful Resources for Autism Parents and Caregivers

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Parents often ask what resources they can access for teaching their child with ASD. As a parent of children with autism, I know that the list of books out there can be quite intimidating. With so much information now available at our fingertips, it’s hard to decipher what is good quality, with evidence-based research that one can trust.

Whether you are parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or teacher, Steps to Independence: Teaching Everyday Skills to Children with Special Needs by Bruce L. Baker and Alan J. Brightman is a great resource. It’s written for parents or caregivers, and it breaks down teaching into simple steps. It also helps you understand what reinforcement is, the importance of reinforcement, and how to manage behavior problems.

Another great book is Turn Autism Around, by Mary Lynch Barbera. This book offers a tool kit that a parent can utilize to understand behaviors and how to work on reducing them. It includes the early signs of Autism and it’s written by a parent and BCBA who went through the challenges that most of us face on a day-to-day basis.

Other great resources that can be found online include Autism Speaks and Autism Society. They offer content for families to read on any number of topics. These articles might include information on the early signs of autism, to how to cope with a diagnosis, how to navigate an IEP, and more. Both organizations offer lists of local resources and events you can attend, free of charge, to learn more about Autism and how to support your loved ones.

Elizabeth Gudiel, M.A., BCBA
Clinical Director, Salt Lake City

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