Fall Activities for Autism Families

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Fall is here, and with the new season comes a lot of opportunities for family activities! For most of us, family time is on the top of our priorities list, but more often than not we find ourselves stressed, planning these activities while juggling therapies, work, and homework. This week, I’ll be sharing a list of places you can visit while on a budget, as well as some cool things you can do with your child/children including those on the spectrum. These are some suggestions and can be modified to fit your family’s needs.

Places to visit:

- Aquariums
- Zoos
- Corn Mazes
- Beach/Lake
- Library Story-time (also available virtually for most states)
- Local children’s museum
- Nature hike
- Park/Picnic
- Indoor Playgrounds


- Movie Night (can be a short film or cartoon)
- Family Game Night
- Interactive Games-basketball, soccer, kickball, etc.
- Painting/Drawing
- Making Slime
- Baking cookies, cake, cake pops, etc.
- Build puzzles or mazes
- Making Playdoh (there are some edible recipes in case your child is tempted to eat it)
- Backyard camping (you can get super creative and roast marshmallows, tell stories, etc.)
- Makeovers
- Play with your child with their favorite toys
- Pillow Fight
- Cook a meal with your child

As a behavior analyst, I always look for ways to generalize what your child has learned in their ABA program into functional routines. This means that you can always be working on what your child has been learning, out in the real world! Feel free to target some of the following programs naturally with your child, and don’t forget to reinforce them when they do something well.

- Identifying common/novel objects
- Labeling common/novel objects
- Labeling actions in others or self
- Labeling emotions & feelings
- Answering questions
- Engaging in conversation
- Asking for help
- Asking for information
- Following instructions
- Taking turns
- Sharing
- Coping strategies
- Perspective taking
- Organization

Elizabeth Gudiel, M.A., BCBA
Clinical Director, Salt Lake City

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